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List Charges By HCPCS Code

      12/02/98                   Your County EMS                     Page  1
             1998 Period 12 (September) List of Charges by HCPCS Code
                              ------This Month------   -----Year To Date-----
      HCPCS Description       Total      Charges Per   Total      Charges Per
      A0326 ALS NON-EME, SS       1       365.00  1%       1       365.00  1%
      A0328 ALS EME, NSS         74    27,010.00 25%     626   228,490.00 18%
      A0330 ALS EME, SS         117    42,705.00 39%    1588   579,620.00 45%
      A0360 BLS BASE NON-EME    108    18,900.00 18%    1273   223,825.00 18%
      A0362 BLS BASE EME          1       175.00  1%       2       350.00  1%
      A0380 BLS MILES           109     2,390.00  3%    1340    33,009.00  3%
      A0382 BLS SUPPLIES         97     4,850.00  5%    1043    52,400.00  5%
      A0390 ALS MILEAGE         192    14,085.00 13%    2417   189,115.00 15%
      A0422 OXYGEN                4       160.00  1%      59     2,360.00  1%
                                      110,640.00             1,309,534.00