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List Payments By Paycode

      12/03/98                   Your County EMS                     Page  1
              1998 Period 12 (September) List of Payments by Paycode
                                             This Year
      Paycodes             This Month   Percent       Year to Date   Percent
      1. Medicare           28,558.64     47.1%         444,266.69     58.3%
      2. Medicaid            4,436.58      7.3%          45,137.12      5.9%
      3. Auto Insurance      1,520.00      2.5%          20,973.40      2.8%
      4. Workman's Comp.     1,175.00      1.9%           5,615.50      0.7%
      5. Primary Ins.       15,375.44     25.4%         126,433.83     16.6%
      6. Secondary Ins.      4,015.58      6.6%          71,827.64      9.4%
      7. Private Pay         5,529.25      9.1%          47,346.82      6.2%
      Total Cash Income     60,610.49                   761,601.00
      8. Discounts               0.00      0.0%             385.00      0.1%
      9. Write Off          29,059.85    100.0%         548,562.53     99.9%
      Total Non Cash        29,059.85                   548,947.53
                                             Last Year
      Paycodes             This Month   Percent       Year to Date   Percent
      1. Medicare           23,546.68     62.5%         209,738.83     59.8%
      2. Medicaid            3,299.72      8.8%          14,315.10      4.1%
      3. Auto Insurance      1,346.20      3.6%           6,128.80      1.7%
      4. Workman's Comp.     1,008.00      2.7%           4,367.60      1.2%
      5. Primary Ins.        2,633.23      7.0%          76,289.17     21.8%
      6. Secondary Ins.      3,024.69      8.0%          30,594.31      8.7%
      7. Private Pay         2,793.43      7.4%           9,142.57      2.6%
      Total Cash Income     37,651.95                   350,576.38
      8. Discounts               0.00      0.0%               0.00      0.0%
      9. Write Off          24,487.64    100.0%         687,141.32    100.0%
      Total Non Cash        24,487.64                   687,141.32
      Summary of Payments Received From Invoices in Collection Status
      1. Medicare                0.00
      2. Medicaid                0.00
      3. Auto Insurance          0.00
      4. Workman's Comp.         0.00
      5. Primary Ins.            0.00
      6. Secondary Ins.          0.00
      7. Private Pay           101.00
      Collection Income        101.00