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Print Report -- List Payments By Paycode/Vehicle
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List Payments By Paycode/Vehicle

      12/03/98                   Your County EMS                     Page  1
      1998 Period 12 (September) List of Payments by Paycode for Vehicle M7
                                             This Year
      Paycodes             This Month   Percent       Year to Date   Percent
      1. Medicare           28,940.97     46.9%          93,004.54     51.0%
      2. Medicaid            4,436.58      7.2%          12,365.97      6.8%
      3. Auto Insurance      1,520.00      2.5%           4,770.00      2.6%
      4. Workman's Comp.     1,175.00      1.9%           1,555.00      0.9%
      5. Primary Ins.       15,619.12     25.3%          44,379.63     24.3%
      6. Secondary Ins.      4,539.57      7.4%          14,733.58      8.1%
      7. Private Pay         5,414.25      8.8%          11,544.76      6.3%
      Total Cash Income     61,645.49                   182,353.48
      8. Discounts               0.00      0.0%               0.00      0.0%
      9. Write Off          29,853.29    100.0%          95,137.79    100.0%
      Total Non Cash        29,853.29                    95,137.79
                                             Last Year
      Paycodes             This Month   Percent       Year to Date   Percent
      1. Medicare           23,340.16     64.6%         182,253.31     59.8%
      2. Medicaid            3,299.72      9.1%          13,517.03      4.4%
      3. Auto Insurance      1,346.20      3.7%           6,128.80      2.0%
      4. Workman's Comp.       173.00      0.5%           3,390.00      1.1%
      5. Primary Ins.        2,633.23      7.3%          63,820.27     20.9%
      6. Secondary Ins.      3,024.69      8.4%          27,017.23      8.9%
      7. Private Pay         2,339.77      6.5%           8,615.26      2.8%
      Total Cash Income     36,156.77                   304,741.90
      8. Discounts               0.00      0.0%               0.00      0.0%
      9. Write Off          23,453.88    100.0%         169,294.09    100.0%
      Total Non Cash        23,453.88                   169,294.09