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Print Invoices

Invoices are routinely printed--every day for large ambulance services.  The invoice is the only information mailed that includes an itemized list of charges (statements have a single line for total charges).  An invoice is not a request for payment, but notification of services rendered, except for private pay, and then it is a request for payment.   You may want to limit the invoices and statements that are unnecessarily mailed by setting several flags that prevent them from being printed, such as: (1) in the invoice screen set the  invoice status to something other than A(ctive) -- H(old) for example.  (2) In the company screen there are several flags that prevent an invoice from being printed, e.g. do not print invoices for Medicaid patients.  This will categorically exclude Medicaid patients from receiving statements and/or invoices, whereas setting status flag in the invoice screen will only affect one invoice.

Figure 1 -- Invoice Printout
Print one invoice
Print all invoices not printed
Print group of invoices by service date
Print group of mailing labels by service date
Reset date printed

Menu Path:

wpeA.jpg (14338 bytes)
Screen 1 Main Menu-PRINT
wpe6.jpg (15629 bytes)
Screen 2 - PRINT/Print Invoices

Figure 1 - Invoice Printout

Your County EMS
PO Box 999
Decatur, GA 99999-9999
Federal Tax ID: 99-9999999

                Invoice: FM7-483025          JIM BLACKSTONE
                                             999 ELM STREET
           Amount of Payment: __________     LAGRANGE GA 99999 9999


Please return top portion with payment.


Date: 11/25/98 I N V O I C E Page 1
Patient's Name: Jim Blackstone
Patient's Code: BLACKJIM Invoice: FM7-483025
Service Date: 09/21/98
Transported From: Residence, LaGrange, GA
Transported To:   Rushton Hospital - LaGrange, GA

          Qty    Description                    Charge

          1      ALS EME, SS                    365.00

          1      ALS MILEAGE                      5.00
                                 Total Charges: 370.00

                                   Total Payment: 0.00
                               Account Balance: 370.00

We have filed with MEDICARE - This is not a request for payment
ONLY notification of services-Benefits assigned Your County EMS

FOR AMBULANCE DIAL 911 FOR BILLING QUESTIONS 1-800-482-4704 **********************************************************************
Keep this copy, it is your only detailed description of charges.
It is your responsibility to pay if Medicare, insurance, etc. rejects.

Note that the dotted line is a fold line such that the mailing address will appear in the envelope window.  Also note that we are using right-windowed envelopes.   Either right or left windowed envelopes (or 2 windows) can be specified per user-defined flags in the company screen.

Print One Invoice -- An invoice will be printed regardless of whether it has been printed in the past.   Sometimes insurance/legal will ask for this report.

Print All Invoices Not Printed -- An invoice will be printed only once, and this selection will printout only new invoices since the last time this print selection was made.  An internal flag is set to prevent a second printout at a later time.

Print Group of Invoices By Service Date -- After you enter the service date, these invoices will be printed regardless of whether these have been printed in the past.

Print Group of Mailing Labels By Service Date -- After you enter the service date, these mailing labels for these invoices will be printed.  However, use of windowed envelopes preclude the requirement for mailing labels.

Reset Date Printed -- When an invoice is printed, an internal flag is set to prevent a second printout at a later time. When you executing this menu option, you will be prompted to enter a date printed, after which this flag will be reset for the selected invoices