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Print Statements

Statements are routinely printed--after Medicare/Insurance payments--every day for large ambulance services; in the middle of the month--past due; at the end of each month--monthly statements.    You may want to limit statements that are unnecessarily mailed, such as patients who have both Medicare and a MEDIGAP secondary that has a history of paying 100% of the claim.  This and other reasons for not mailing statements and invoices can be globally  or individually controlled by setting several flags that prevent them from being printed, such as: (1) in the invoice screen set the  statement status to something other than A(ctive) -- H(old) for example--this can be done individually on each invoice.  (2) In the company screen there are several flags that globally prevent  statement from being printed, e.g. do not print statements for Medicaid patients, and there are other flags.  This will categorically (globally) exclude Medicaid patients from receiving statements and invoices, whereas setting the status flag in the invoice screen will only affect one invoice, as previously described.

Figure 1 --
Statement printout

Print Monthly Statements
Print Statements: Past Due 31-60 Days, Private Pay Pending

Print Statements: Balance Due After Insurance/Medicare Payment
Print Statements: Past Due 31-60 Days, Insurance/Medicare Pending
Print Statements: Past Due >60 Days, Private Pay Pending
Print One Receipt Statement

Menu Path:

wpeA.jpg (15248 bytes)
Screen 1 Main Menu-PRINT
wpeE.jpg (23227 bytes)
Screen 2 - PRINT/Print statements
wpeF.jpg (9833 bytes)

Screen 3 - PRINT/Print statements
wpe11.jpg (17402 bytes)
Screen 4 - PRINT/Print statements
Item 1 is usually the choice as shownActive, Contract, and Subscribed are status flags in the invoice screen; Medicaid is paycode 2 in the invoice screen.
wpe12.jpg (6476 bytes)

Screen 5 - PRINT/Print statements
Zip code sorts will allow you to bundle statements by zip code and thus reduce your postage.  However, this is only effective when you have many statements with the same zip code.
wpe13.jpg (6521 bytes)

Figure 1 - Statement Printout
Usually, the first of the month is set as the statement date, even though the statement is printed a few days before or a few days after.

Your County EMS
PO Box 999
Decatur GA 99999-9999
Federal Tax ID: 99-9999999

                Patient Code: BLACKJIM          JIM BLACKSTONE
                                                999 ELM STREET
                Amount of Payment: ________     LAGRANGE GA 99999 9999

Please return top portion with payment.

Date: 11/25/98              S T A T E M E N T                    Page 1

Patient: Jim Blackstone

Invoice      Date      Description        Charges     Payments  Balance
FM7-483025   09/21/98  Charges              370.00              370.00
             09/29/98   Medicare Filed
             11/25/98   Medicare            187.40              182.60
                       $100 deductible, $40.79 copay
             11/25/98   Writeoff-Mcare Contract        41.81    140.79
M1 -122346   11/24/98  Charges              380.00              380.00

We have not yet RECEIVED YOUR PAYMENT THIS MONTH. All monthly
payments are due by the 10th of each month.


$ 380.00 Currently Due
  140.79 Balance 10-30 Days Overdue
  520.79 Total Balance Due
  380.00 Less amount awaiting payment from Medicare or Insurance
$ 140.79 Currently Due From You

**********************FOR AMBULANCE, DIAL 911*************************

Several Notes:

Print Monthly Statements -- Statements should be printed near the first of each month, preferably a few days before.

Print Statements: Past Due 31-60 Days, Private Pay Pending -- Normal due date (see the invoice screen) is at least one month after date of service.  Thus, 31-60 days is 2-3 months after date of service, and this invoice is getting old.   However, the due date may be unfair to the patient if the primary payor was slow in paying, and now it is private pay.  Therefore, print these statements, but review primary payments (if any), and adjust the due date if appropriate and mail only those that need to be mailed.

Print Statements: Balance Due After Insurance/Medicare Payment -- The sooner statements can be printed after posting Medicare / Insurance payments, the better.   Thus, this option is listed as a daily billing procedure.  However, if there are only a few days before printing monthly statements, you may want to omit exercising this option.

Print Statements: Past Due 31-60 Days, Insurance/Medicare Pending -- Normal due date (see the invoice screen) is at least one month after date of service.  Thus, 31-60 days is 2-3 months after date of service, and it is obvious that the Primary payor (Medicare/Insurance) is not paying on time.  However, there may be some valid reason for the payment delay, and the due date may be unfair to the patient.  Print these statements about the 15th of the month, but review each before mailing.

Print Statements: Past Due >60 Days, Private Pay Pending -- Normal due date (see the invoice screen) is at least one month after date of service.  Thus, 31-60 days is 2-3 months after date of service, and it is seems obvious that the patient is is not paying on time.   However, there may be some valid reason for the payment delay, and the due date may be unfair to the patient.  Print these statements about the 15th of the month, but review each before mailing.

Print One Receipt Statement -- When a patient makes a payment at the billing office, a receipt can be printed at this time.