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Software Updates

4/01/2007 - 03/31/2008

  • V20.0 - 04/03/2007
    • Added Block 33 ID Qualifier field to INSURANCE screen (page 2) to support new HCFA 1500 form (08-05). This information is also used to print Block 24I. In particular note that some BC/BS carriers (TN for instance) require the "1B" id qualifier.
      • 1C - Medicare
      • 1D - Medicaid
      • 1B - Blue Cross / Blue Shield
      • EI - Employer's Identification Number
      • <blank> - if PIN number field is blank, "EI" will be used with federal tax id

  • V20.1 - 04/11/2007
    • Support for aligning printouts in fractions of a character or line spacing is now supported when the printer device is set to a Windows print driver name or to the word "DEFAULT" in the PRINTER setup screen. For instance, to align the printout for the new HCFA 1500 form, you can set the left margin to a fraction of a character. To move the printout to the right by ½ of a character width, set the left margin to 0.5. To move the printout down 5 ½ lines, set the top margin to 5.5. The program still assumes that a character is 1/10 of an inch wide (10 chars per inch) and that a line is 1/6 of an inch (6 lines per inch).

      If the printer device is set to LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, or to a file name, the margin setting will be rounded to the nearest whole number. There is no change in the behavior of the program in this case.

  • V20.2 - 04/20/2007
    • Tennessee TennCare Select electronic claims support added.

  • V20.3 - 04/23/2007
    • Problems printing new HCFA 1500 form with V20.1 changes corrected.
    • Tennessee TennCare Select electronic claims problem corrected.

  • V20.4 - 05/14/2007
    • Modified backup/restore to work with Windows Vista.
    • Improved Aged A/R Report by Current Payor and User Defined Code:
      • Select all invoices now supported
      • New columns: 91-180, >180

  • V20.5 - 05/15/2007
    • Corrected problem with transmitting Railroad Medicare claims when secondary payor is Medicaid.

  • V20.6 - 05/17/2007
    • Improved list of EMTs report to allow selecting: 1-Driver, 2-Attendant, or 3-Both. Totals were also added to the report.

  • V20.7 - 05/21/2007
    • BC/BS of TN electronic claims corrected to include Group Number info.

  • V20.8 - 05/22/2007
    • HCFA 1500 form (new and old) modified to allow printing destination address in block 19.
    • HCFA 1500 (08-05) modified to allow leaving block 24J and 33B blank when PIN id qualifier and PIN left blank in Insurance screen.

  • V1.81 - 05/23/2007 - EmsClaims
    • Cleanup option added to main toolbar. This feature allows you to automatically remove old files from the Inbox, Sent, and Save folders.

  • V20.9 - 05/23/2007
    • Insurnace pending report improved to allow specifing invoice status.

  • V20.10 - 05/24/2007
    • Corrected problem with new HCFA 1500 (08-05) printing pin numbers from insurance file in block 24J.

  • V20.12 - 05/31/2007
    • Corrected problem with new TN BC/BS electronic claims.
  • V1.82 - 05/31/2007 - EmsClaims
    • Added support for TN BC/BS Access EDI.

  • V20.13 - 05/31/2007
    • A new field "Use legacy provider number" was added to all TELECOM screens (Medicare, Medicaid, Clearinghouse, Railroad Medicare, AL BC/BS, and TN BC/BS.. This field defaults to "Y" indicating that electronic claims will include your legacy provider number when extracting claims. This field should be "Y" unless your carrier specifically indicates that you should not transmit your legacy provider number (TN Medicare has indicated that they will require this at some point in the future).
  • V20.14 - 06/15/2007
    • Change to electronic claims for TN BC/BS.
  • V20.15 - 06/19/2007
    • Selecting "H" to print a HCFA1500 form in the "List of Invoices" screen now defaults to form type #2 (new 08-05 form)
  • Medicare Notice
    • Ambulance services (particularly transports provided in response to a 911 or 911-equivalent emergency call) are often ordered by someone other than a physician. In these situations, the name and the NPI of the ordering/referring physician are not available. Thus, CMS does not feel that it is appropriate to require that this information be submitted on the claim form. Therefore, CR 5564, from which this article is taken, instructs carriers and the Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) that the ordering/referring physician's NPI is not required on claims for ambulance services.
  • V20.16 - 07/05/07
    • Improvements to "Print Files" made.
  • V20.17 - 07/24/2007
    • KY Medicaid electronic claims changed to support military time in loop 2400 NTE-02.
  • V1.84 - 07/25/2007 - EmsClaims
    • FTP Passive Mode option added to Setup screen. Some firewalls may require this option to be enabled (checked).
  • V1.85 - 07/25/2007 - EmsClaims
    • Problem with new FTP Passive Mode option corrected
  • V20.18 - 07/30/2007
    • Electronic claims modified to not transmit employer id (REF_2010AA) if NPI not being used.
  • V20.19 - 08/07/2007
    • Electronic claims modified for AL Medicare to send "ZZ" for ISA-07.
  • V1.86 - 08/16/2007 - EmsClaims
    • Improved detection of remit files for viewing with Medicare's Easy Remit Print program.
  • BCBS/TN Note
    • The web address used to transmit to BCBS/TN (TELECOM file, page 6) was changed to:
      • https://accessedi.bcbst.com/hcm/app
  • V20.20 - 09/06/2007
    • Corrected problem with updating old database files.
  • V20.21 - 09/07/2007
    • Added data entry validation for invoice modifier #3 and #4.
  • V20.22 - 09/21/2007
    • Added ability to leave block 32A and 32B blank on HCFA1500 (08-05) form. A new setting on page 2 of INSURANCE screen controls behavior. Some insurance carriers are requiring these blocks to be blank for ambulance claims (TN Medicare).
  • V20.23 - 10/03/2007
    • When adding a new invoice, the PCS on file field now defaults to <BLANK>.
    • A new COMPANY file option (page 5) was added to indicate whether the collection letter date should be changed when a payment is posted to a collection invoice.
    • When editing an invoice if the primary paycode is set to a value equal to the secondary paycode, the secondary paycode is reset to <BLANK>.
  • V20.24 - 10/03/2007
    • When editing an invoice if the primary paycode is set to 7, the secondary paycode is reset to <BLANK>.
  • V20.25 - 10/25/2007
    • A new field has been added to the patient screen to indicate whether the patient is deceased (Y/N). A new version 5 of the collection letter data format includes this new field. To indicate that you want to use the new version 5 file format, edit page 6 of the COMPANY file.
  • V20.26 - 11/15/2007
    • A new field has been added to the insurance screen (page 2) to indicate the "print mode" for block 24J of the HCFA 1500 form (08-05). Arizona Medicare is requiring that block 24J be BLANK (option 0). Alabama BC/BS (reported on 12/27/07) is requiring that block 24J only include the NPI number (option 1).
      • 0 - leave blank
      • 1 - print NPI number only
      • 2 - print legacy number only
      • 3 - print both NPI and legacy number
  • V20.27 - 11/27/2007
    • From and To reports by invoice improved to show charges, cash payments, non-cash payments, and balance for each invoice with totals.
  • V20.28 - 11/29/2007
    • Improved logic for printing secondary HCFA 1500 form (08-05) block 9, 9a, 9b, and 9d when primary is Medicare.
  • V20.29 - 11/29/2007
    • Added new item to Export Data #2 - Option 4 - Compute cash payments for current period for invoices with date of service before entered date.
  • V20.30 - 01/10/2008
    • Improved Print Files + Invoice (Selected Payor and Invoice Status) to allow sorting by invoice or patient code.
  • V20.31 - 01/12/2008
    • An error in computing the Adjusted Collection Rate (Year to Date, Month Last Year, and Year to Date Last Year) was corrected.
  • V20.32 - 01/22/2008
    • Corrected problem in selecting which HCFA1500 form to print.
  • V20.33 - 01/24/2008
    • Added new export option to export information concerning 911 calls for a selected range of dates:
      • Number of calls
      • Total payments to paycodes 1-9 individually
      • Total charges
  • V20.34 - 01/30/2008
    • Statements improved with revised options available on page 4 of the COMPANY file:
      • Consolidate Private Payments on Statements: Y/N
        • If selected this option generates a single line item on the statement for all private payements.
      • Consolidate All Payments on Statements: Y/N
        • If selected this option generates a single line item on the statement for all payments. If the "Consolidate Private Payments" option is also selected, two line items are generated, one for the private payments and one for the insurance payments.
    • The responsible party's social security number has been added to the PATIENT screen. This optional field may be useful to collection agencies. The new field is now included when extracting collection data if the "Data File Version" is set to "6" in the COMPANY file (page 6).
  • V20.35 - 01/31/2008
    • Corrected problem with electronic claims transmitting legacy provider numbers even when the "Transmit Legacy Provider Number" flag in the TELECOM file was set to "N".
  • V20.36 - 02/04/2008
    • Corrected problem with V20.35 change.
  • V20.38 - 02/19/2008
    • A new option 6 was added to the Export Data #2 menu. The option computes the "Total Charges" for primary insurance filed (or invoice printed if private pay) after a specified date where the invoice's date of service is before a specified date.
  • V20.39 - 02/20/2008
    • The new Export Data #2, option 6 was modified to export the detail data to a file "EXPORT22.DAT":
      • Invoice Code
      • Date Primary Filed
      • Date of Service
      • Total Invoice Charges
  • V20.40 - 02/21/2008
    • A new option in the INSURANCE screen (page 2) allows printing the ambulance service's NPI number block 17b (select option 3).
  • www.cignaforhcp.com
    • Cigna provides on-line access to claim status and eligibility. To sign up, go to the web site listed above and click "Register Now".
  • V20.41 - 02/27/2008
    • TELECOM screen (page 2) improved for AL Medicaid. Leaving the web site field blank now defaults the field to: https://www.medicaid.alabamaservices.org/ALPortal
  • EMSCLAIMS V1.87 - 02/27/2008
    • Changes made for new AL Medicaid system.
  • V20.42 - 03/01/2008
    • Modified TELECOM2 electronic claims to support new AL Medicaid user name.
  • Alabama Medicaid - 03/01/08
    • From the MAINT menu select option 2 - System Files and option B - Telecom. Edit page 2 of the TELECOM screen and change the following:
      • Enter your new assigned Submitter ID / Login ID
      • Enter your User Name
      • Enter your Password
      • Use NPI: Y
      • Use legacy provider number: Y
      • Alabama website: https://www.medicaid.alabamaservices.org/ALPortal
  • EMSCLAIMS V1.88 - 03/01/2008
    • Modified to support new AL Medicaid user name.
    • AL Medicaid Instructions:
      • Click "Connect" button on toolbar
      • Click "Go To WebSite"
      • Click "Yes" button in "Security Alert" window
      • Click "Account" tab
      • Click "Secure Site"
      • Click inside "User Name" edit box
      • Click "Auto Logon" button
      • Click "Trade Files" tab
      • Click "Upload" link
      • Click "Upload File" edit box
      • Click "Enter File Name" button on toolbar
      • Select Transaction Type "HIPAA (X12 or NCPDP)" drop down entry
      • Click "Upload" button to upload batch

  • V20.43 - 03/04/2008
    • Corrected V20.41 bug that defaults AL Medicaid website to http instead of correct https.
  • V20.44 - 03/05/2008
    • New option added to Statements that allows including invoices in current period only (option 8).
  • V20.45 - 03/06/2008
    • HCFA 1500 modified for First Health Services Corporation (AZ Medicaid):
      • Block 24J - select 3 (Print Both)
      • Block 33 - ID Qualifier - select "ZZ"
      • Block 33 - Provider ID Number - enter "3416L0300X" for ambulance taxonomy code
  • V20.46 - 03/06/2008
    • Contract invoices do not show modifiers on page 2 of invoice.
  • V20.47 - 03/10/2008
    • Improved printing of addresses on statements and invoices.
  • V20.48 - 03/14/2008
    • A problem was corrected in ANSI837 electronic claims that caused an audit report error about NM1 2330B. This error only occurred if Medicare was primary and Medicaid was secondary; and it has only being reported in TN. Retransmit any claims where this error occurred.
  • V20.49 - 03/20/2008
    • HCFA 1500 (08-05) improved to support insurance companies that require the taxonomy code in blocks 17a, 24ja, and 33b.
      • For instance, for "Bridgeway Health Solutions" requires:
        • Block 17A - option 4, use NPI and taxonomy code
        • Block 24J - option 4, use NPI and taxonomy code
        • Block 32B - option 2, use taxonomy code

  • EMSCLAIMS V1.89 - 03/21/2008
    • Improved support for FL Medicare.
  • V20.50 - 03/26/2008
    • AL Medicaid Form 340 modified to print the NPI number for the "Performing Provider Number".
  • V20.51 - 03/28/2008
    • AL Medicare and BC/BS provider numbers are no longer restricted to 9 digits.
  • V20.52 - 03/31/2008
    • Electronic claims modified for AL Medicaid to include "Rendering Provider" information.
    • Alabama Medicaid's new web portal system currently requires that you transmit both your NPI number and your legacy provider number. Edit page 2 of the TELECOM file (Medicaid Electronic Claims Parameters); select "Y" for the question "Use Legacy Provider Number: Y/N".
    • Alabama Medicaid's new web portal system processes batches submitted within 2 hrs (approximately) of submission. You can search for the results of the batch by logging into the web portal using your "Provider" access codes (logon and password). These codes are different from your assigned "Trading Partner" access codes which are used to transmit the claims. After loggin in, click on "Claim + Search"; then enter the ICN number for the day you want to search. The system will show all claims transmitted that day and their status.
      • ICN Number: 20 + 08 (year) + xxx (day of year)
      • For instance: April 1, 2008 would be ICN #2008092. The 092 is used because January has 31 days, Febrary has 29 days in 2008, March has 31 days, and April 1st has 1 day. (31+29+31+1=92)

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