V25.0 - 04/11/2012
- 5010 extraction improved to indicate claims that must be filed by paper.
- Insurance screen improved to not allow blank address.
V25.1 - 04/12/2012
- New collection letter #5 added.
- New flag added to COMPANY file (page 6):
- Extracting collection letter #5 does automatic write off of account: Y/N
- Invoice and invoice report now show collection agency code.
- Collection extraction logic modified to always extract account regardless of agency code setting.
- Corrected invoice screen (page 1) outline problem.
V25.2 - 04/19/2012
- 5010 extraction problem when other payor was auto insurance corrected.
V25.3 - 04/20/2012
- Insurance screen (page 2) modified to allow specifing whether provider’s physical or payto address is used. Blue Cross/Blue Shield of AL for instance requires the physical address to be used in block 33.
V25.4 - 04/26/2012
- 5010 extraction problem when primary payor was auto insurance corrected.
- 5010 problem with destination name corrected.
V25.5 - 05/02/2012
- 5010 problem for providers using the clearinghouse option. The date filed was not being properly set in all cases.
Note: Be aware that Medicare is now checking the validity of postal zip codes. The US postal web site can be used to check zip codes:
V25.6 - 05/04/2012
- 5010 modified to truncate mileage > 100 to whole number (Medicare CR 7065).
V25.7 – 05/08/2012
- Corrected another roundoff error in posting charges.
- Improved COB screen error handling.
V25.8 – 05/09/2012
- Cleanup and pack now handle COB records.
- Better error cleanup for COB aborts.
V25.9 - 05/10/2012
- 5010 electronic claims technique used to file secondary claims flag set incorrectly for BC/BS of AL and Clearinghouse.
V25.10 - 05/22/2012
- New fields added to collection letter data files (version 7). To use the new fields, edit page 7 of COMPANY file and set the version number to either 0 (always uses latest version) or 7.
Field Name |
Description |
Origin address |
Origin city |
Origin state |
Origin zip |
Destination address |
Destination city |
Destination state |
Destination zip |
Name of primary insurance |
Policy number of primary insurance |
Name of secondary insurance |
Policy number of secondary insurance |
V25.11 - 05/24/2012
- 5010 electronic claims modified for AL Medicaid to transmit provider's Medicaid number in REF_2010BB.
V25.12 - 06/06/2012
- Corrected problem with 5010 electronic claims indicating that COB benefits were needed for private pay invoices.
V25.13 - 06/21/2012
- Added new version 7 fields to Collect1 program.
V25.14 - 06/22/2012
- Added user to G/L transaction printout.
V25.15 - 06/28/2012
- Both rendering and billing provider NPI numbers are now contained in the PROVIDER file.
- 5010 electronic claims now uses billing provider NPI from PROVIDER file when billing for multiple rendering providers.
- Extract collection letter number #5 now checks for zero writeoff.
V25.16 - 07/03/2012
- F10 filter for patient record now includes searching responsible party's name.
V25.17 - 07/10/2012
- 5010 electronic claims problem billing for multiple providers corrected (NM1*85).
- 5010 electronic claims (REF*G2) dashes and spaces removed from PIN.
V25.18 - 07/18/2012
- New custom export #34 added (see V25.19).
V25.19 - 07/19/2012
- Export #34 modified:
- Columns:
- Invoice code
- Primary paycode
- Primary insurance code
- Primary payer name
- Base rate HCPCS code
- Patient name
- Date of service
- A0425 charges
- A0427 charges
- A0428 charges
- A0429 charges
- A0430 charges
- A0431 charges
- A0433 charges
- A0434 charges
- A0435 charges
- A0436 charges
- Other charges
- Total charges
- Total cash payments
- Total writeoffs
- Invoice balance
V25.20 - 07/20/2012
- Improved error message for invalid NPI numbers.
- Improved data entry validation for NPI numbers in PROVIDER file.
V25.21 - 07/31/2012
- Corrected problem with Export #34.
V25.22 - 08/7/2012
- Updated LA 5010 electronic claims to support new carrier (Novitas Solutions). Switchover date is 8/13/12.
V25.23 - 08/22/2012
- Corrected problem updating PROVIDER table from old company.
V25.24 - 08/28/2012
- Corrected problem with EXPORT2.
V25.25 - 08/29/2012
- Corrected problem with overflow of sequence numbers in A4010 and A5010 electronic claims.
- General cleanup preparing for W32 program.
V25.26 - 08/30/2012
- A5010 extraction modified for LA Medicare to include CR/LF's.
V25.27 - 08/30/2012
- V25.26 problem with A5010 corrected.
- Insured name in paycode records cannot be blank.
V25.28 - 09/27/2012
- New backup method added.
- 2-System Files + C-User
- Backup types:
- 1 - generate BAR.@@@ file
- Backup to floppy drive can span multiple diskettes
- Does not work on 64 bit versions of Windows
- 2 - generate DATA.ZIP and DATAnn-yyyymmdd.ZIP files
- nn - company number, yyyymmdd - backup date
- Ideally suited for USB flash drive backups
- Better compression ratio, industry standard ZIP file format
- Compatible with all verrsions of Windows
- Backup will not span multiple diskettes
- User is responsible for cleaning up unneeded backup files as backup drive becomes full
V25.29 - 09/28/2012
- New Export #35 Production Report added.
- Columns:
- Logon
- Total Invoices
- Invoice Code
- Post Date
- Charges
- Cash Payments
- Noncash Payments
- User Defined Code #1
- User Defined Code #2
- Lockbox Date
V25.30 - 10/04/2012
V25.32 - 10/15/2012
- ANSI 5010 electronic claims modified for LA Medicaid (mileage is rounded to whole number).
V25.33 - 10/18/2012
- New option added to INSURANCE screen (page 2) for Block 32. Option 7 (print from and to in 4 lines) should be used for printing CMS-1500 forms for BC/BS of Alabama. Alabama customers should update the insurance record for BC/BS of Alabama.
V25.34 - 10/23/2012
- Program compatible with 64 bit Windows now available.
V25.35 - 10/23/2012
- Corrected problem with 64 bit runing EMS Claims.
V25.36 - 10/24/2012
- Corrected problem with 64 bit exiting to console prompt with blank prompt.
- Corrected problem with 64 bit DBU not opening files in exclusive mode.
V25.37 - 11/14/2012
- ANSI 5010 electronic claims problem with CR1 segment corrected when no mileage charge found.
V25.38 - 11/27/2012
- Print invoice report bug causing keyboard lockup corrected.
V25.39 - 12/05/2012
- Corrected problem with EMSW32 posting payments.
V25.40 - 12/06/2012
- ANSI 5010 electronic claims improved for filing secondary claims.
V25.41 - 12/06/2012
- Invoice XML export improved to include ICD 9 codes.
V25.42 - 01/02/2013
- End of month closing no longer sets the invoice date printed for all unprinted invoices.
- Logisticare specific logic added to reset invoice date printed if invoice is moved to active status.
V25.43 - 01/04/2013
- Improved error message in A5010.
V25.44 - 01/11/2013
- NSF extraction version 1 and 2 problem corrected.
V25.45 - 01/22/2013
- Corrected bug in editing COMPANY file (EMSW32).
V25.46 - 02/07/2013
- New CONFIG file added to System Files screen. Program configuration settings previously stored in COMPANY file have now moved to the CONFIG file.
- New option to extract collection data in XML format added.
- Multiple issues with EMSW32 source files being out of sync with EMS source corrected.
V25.47 - 02/08/2013
- Problem with V25.46 update to collection extraction corrected
V25.48 - 02/19/2013
- COLLECTx.XML export file now includes collection level attribute..
V25.49 - 02/22/2013
- COLLECTx.XML export file now includes many new fields.
V25.50 - 02/25/2013
- Added charge HCPCS code to invoice and collect XML exports.
V25.51 - 02/27/2013
- Added support for a new clearinghouse Office Ally.
- AL, GA, and TN providers (Cahaba GBA carrier) must switch to a new transmission method by July 1st; Cahaba GBA is shutting down their dial-up support system.
- Providers can enroll with Office Ally at their web site:
- The monthly bill from Office Ally will not exceed $19.95. No long term contract or setup fee is required.
- Providers must complete paperwork with Office Ally to transmit to Medicare.
- Providers may also transmit to thousands of other insurance carriers.
- Providers may choose to complete paperwork with Office Ally to transmit to Railroad Medicare also. This totally eliminates the need for a dial-up modem and phone line.
V25.52 - 02/28/2013
- Dashes are no longer removed from patient's last name in ANSI 837 5010 electronic claims.
V25.53 - 03/31/2013
- Cleanup no longer remove invoices in Legal or Hold status.
- Update process now automatically determines whether to update 32 bit or 64 bit program.
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