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EMS Fast Cash Billing

Software Updates

04/01/2022 - 03/31/2023

V35.0 - 05/19/2022
  • New field added to Insurance table (page 3) to control whether to transmit the rendering provider NPI to Office Ally. Currently only Wellcare and Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Georgia require this flag to be set to Yes.
V35.1 - 05/20/2022
  • Batch7 (Dialysis Batch Entry) now defaults charge mod2 from invoice.
V35.2 - 06/06/2022
  • Batch8 (Batch Invoices With Bad Addresses) now allows user specified memo.
V35.3 - 06/15/2022
  • New Monthly Menu option added.

    Option B - Set Prior Authorization Number

    The prior authorization number is set to an entered value for all invoices which meet the specified criteria.

    Enter the patient code to consider.
    Enter the prior authorization number.
    Enter the starting date of service to consider.
    Enter the ending date of service to consider.
    Enter first modifier to consider.
    Enter second modifier to consider.
    For all invoices where:
    Invoice's patient code is the value entered.
    Invoice's date of service is between the entered starting and ending dates of service.
    Invoice's MOD1 value is equal to the entered first or second modifier.
    If invoice's primary date filed is blank.
    If invoice's primary paycode is 1-Medicare.
    Set the Paycode1 record's PRIOR_NO to the entered prior authorization number.
    If invoice's primary paycode is 5-Primary Insurance.
    Set the Paycode5 record's PRIOR_NO to the entered prior authorization number.
V35.4 - 06/30/2022
  • Export 42 - Special Alabama Medicaid Export. Generates number of calls and revenue received for 2021 and Q1 of 2022 for procedure codes A0225, A0427, A0429, A0433, and A0434.
V35.5 - 07/09/2022
  • Export 39 - List Active Invoices Where Current Payor Is Private Pay was improved. Invoice is moved to collection status when: (1) extraction counter exceeds entered maximum count, and (2) no payments to paycodes 1-7 since entered date.
V35.6 - 07/27/2022
  • Export 38 updated to include payment date.
V35.7 - 09/22/2022
  • Export 39 updated to consider monthly payer's last payment date.
V35.8 - 01/30/2023
  • Batch7 - batch create dialysis invoices - now copies M2, M3, and M4 from the cloned invoice.
  • New optional review fields added to INSURANCE table. (1) Reviewer's identification code (user identified, initials for instance). (2) Date info last reviewed.
V35.9 - 03/06/2023
  • Export 43 - Special Alabama Medicaid Export For Selected Dates. Generates number of calls and revenue received within entered date range for procedure codes A0225, A0427, A0429, A0433, and A0434.
V35.10 - 03/22/2023
  • Modified Export 43 - Special Alabama Medicaid Export For Selected Dates. Calculates number of calls for invoices with a base rate charge with a procedure code A0225, A0427, A0429, A0433, or A0434 and a date of service within the entered date range. Calculates total payments for payments with payment dates within the entered date range that are for an invoice with a base rate charge with a procedure A0225, A0427, A0429, A0433, or A0434. Note that the program cannot distinguish whether a payment was made for the base rate or the mileage charge.


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